
Code and sample corpora for the FandomCorpora paper

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As part of the paper, we constructed three sample corpora from three wikis: Star Wars (en) from Wookieepedia, Star Wars (de) from Jedipedia (in German) and Harry Potter from the Harry Potter Wiki.

We downloaded current database dumps of these wikis and performed the steps of the pipeline on them: (1) parsing and cleaning of input documents, (2) selecting potential candidates for abstractive summaries from those input documents and assigning summary candidates to them, and (3) choosing the final set of abstractive summaries based upon a new quality threshold and splitting the selected summaries into training, validation, and test set. They steps are described in more detail in the paper.


The resulting files from that process can be dowloaded here:


Each corpus consists of a folder structure containing the preprocessed input files, human written as well as automatically generated summaries and meta data with the following structure:


All folders have subfolders like


for the different sets, where 50 is the quality threshold applied. Hence the first level folder contain all the data while the subfolders only contain references to the files over the given quality threshold. The affected files from the random-based split can be found in the corpus_name.split.$threshold.json file in the top folder.

The contents of the folders are

the structure of the contained files will now be described in detail.


JSON file containing the source texts and meta data with the following structure:

	"id": str,						# id of this file
	"query": str,					# query/headline of this summary
	"target_length": int,			# length of the abstractive summary
	"overlap": float,				# overlap between source texts and target text (in %, based on strategy)
	"source_doc_count": int,		# amount of different source docs
	"source_overall_length": int,	# total length of all source docs concatenated (in words)
	"source_doc_names": [			# list of all source document names
	    list of str
	"inputs": [						# list of all input sentences
			"text": str,			# text of this sentence
			"tokens": [				# tokens of this sentence
				list of str
			"pos": [
				[str, str],			# POS tags of this sentence word by word
				...					# list of str-tuples (a tuple is a two-element list in json)
			"doc_id": int,			# to which of the different source docs does this sentence belong
			"sentence_id": int,		# index of this sentence in doc
			"word_count": int		# lenght (words) of this sentence


JSON file containing labels for extractive summarization with the following structure:

	"id": str,						# id of this file
	"score": int,					# optimization objective score from automatical summarization construction
	"text": str,					# text of the extractive summary
	"length": int,					# length of the extractive summary (words)
	"labels": [						# binary decision whether the sentence with this index
		list of int					# is part of the summary or not

Human abstracts

Text file containing all sentences of the human-written summary, one sentence per line. The filename is summary_id.1.txt.

Extractive summaries

Text file containing all sentences of the extractive summary, one sentence per line. The filename is summary_id.1.txt.

Human evaluation files

JSON file for human annotation/quality review of the extractive summaries with the following structure:

	"done": bool,					# was this file already annotated?
	"strategy-name": {				# one entry per strategy
		"summary": str,				# text of the extractive summary
		"covered": [				# list of all sentences in the human summary
				"sentence": str,	# sentence of the human summary
				"is_covered": int	# score indicating how good it was covered

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